Jerry Wayne Howard is a writer of science fiction, fantasy and urban fantasy. Just beginning the journey to publication. He also, enjoys cooking, spending time with his wife, children and granddaughter as well as binge watching shows and reading. He was born and raised in Georgia. His favorite fictional characters are Cyrano De Bergerac and Batman.  

We’ve all heard the saying. “A journey of a thousand steps begins with one.” It’s supposed to be soothing. The idea that a monumental task is done one small piece at a time. The thing is, that first step is a doozy. That’s because momentum is a bitch. We do not move by choice.  An object at rest tends to remain at rest because nothing in a stable situation has any desire to upset the status quo. We become great out of necessity and complacent out of nature.   

The crux is, we have to write. Our heads rattles with the screams of a thousand worlds, all taking their first and last steps in their great journey. We want to tell those stories. We don’t just need to write. We want to be an author. To achieve this, we have to take that first step.  

To overcome the complacency of our nature, we must rely on another burden of our birth; the stubborn belief that we are great enough to succeed. Yes, that need to be right and victorious that burns in us all. we will step into the arena before the watchful eyes of the world where we dare not fail. Some of you will watch as I journey, others will seek the comradery of a kindred spirit. Either way we fail or triumph in front together.  

As we move forward, I will tell you my goals and the steps I am taking to get there. As I succeed, we shall share in the joys. As I fail, we shall learn from the error of my ways. Any resources I acquire along the way I will share with you. Any information I get I will share with you. This shall be our journey as much as it is mine.