
From Darkness


Salutations Ya’ll,    I’ve struggled with this blog for three months. As writers we learn to cut to the bone. The more of us we put into our writing the more realistic, the more impactful. So, we bleed for a living. We watch our thick black blood form letters on a page and marvel in the [...]

From Darkness2020-02-14T19:03:31+00:00

From Iceland to Nanowrimo


Salutations Ya’ll,    Sorry I am late this week. Turns out spending an entire week in another country and jumping back into work makes it hard to stay on a writing schedule. But I am here now and let’s get into it.  This week I will briefly discuss my trip to Iceland and then talk about [...]

From Iceland to Nanowrimo2019-10-31T03:52:58+00:00

Lessons from the Dragon


Salutations Ya'll,As a Georgia based writer it would be folly for me to disregard the wonderful opportunity offered to me every year in the form of Dragon Con. I understand not every writer has the ability to make the trek (my fellow sci fi fans see what I did there) to this convention. So I [...]

Lessons from the Dragon2019-10-10T12:05:22+00:00

Eye of the Beholder


Salutations Ya'll, Choosing a point of view requires that you choose your strongest character. This doesn't mean the most intelligent or physically imposing it means the character who will help pull in your reader and keep them a part of the action. For example, Sherlock Holmes is told through the perspective of Watson, not the [...]

Eye of the Beholder2019-10-10T12:05:42+00:00

Plotting ahead


Salutations Ya’ll, I am currently trying to plan and plot in preparation for the Leviathan that Is Nation November Writing Month or NANOWRIMO. I found a great resource for that planning out a strong story to see me through the storm. You can also download the NANOWRIMO prep guide. I would like to think the [...]

Plotting ahead2019-10-10T12:04:00+00:00